Friday, March 14, 2008

Ideas want to be free...

I was speaking to a close friend of mine this morning, a comp. science major in fact, and our conversation kept circling back to one key idea: that ideas want to be free. It is true that in our daily interactions with people, our thoughts on a piece of literature, a scandal that went on near your home neighborhood, the financial pitfall a local restaurant faced, forcing it to call it quits. More importantly, we have these ideas streaming through our minds, through our mouths about how to change where we live, how to make life better on weekends, how to get people more involved and raise the awareness you want to with your most recent endeavors. We are all trying to get those ideas going on the front burner, and really, there is no better time than right now to be making those ideas true. Look at the brilliance of the internet, of online programs that allow whomever is reading my ideas, to be doing just that, reading my ideas. Not only that, as if such a forum wasn't great enough, but these ideas are flowing freely, the same as if we were all truly having this interconnected, webbing conversation. What we have available not only in our environments, but even at our fingertips, is more than necessary to start change. Ideas want to be free, and now that they are, shouldn't we make the most of them?

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