Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Order From CHAOS

A wonderful blog on the good, the bad and the ugly of keeping a clean home...

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Pyrex Time!

Just had an epiphany-pyrex!!! From a friend of a friend's Facebook profile, I found I'm hooked and jumping on the vintage pyrex bandwagon. Wouldn't some brownie bowls, individual serving dishes and colorful storage wear just be perfect?? IT's time for a second-hand hunt....


Went through the cabinet and threw out ALL of our old vitamins (John seriously had stuff from 2003-yikes!). It's really important to take the right vitamins each day, so I decided a purge of the vitamin box and redesigning an easy, within-reach vitamin box for each of us was the best idea to remember to take them. Multi-vitamins are great, but be sure to read the back and know what you're taking. Omega Fatty acids are important, as is Glucosamine for bone strength. There is a wonderful supplement called Perfect Food Super Green. It is a bit expensive at around $25-$30 for a bottle, but has wonderful ingredients like wheat grass and kale.

Never replace vitamins with a true, nutritious diet of vegetables, fruit and lean protein like chicken, fish and eggs. However, taking proper vitamins is a great way to supplement your diet to ensure you are receiving your 100% daily value.